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Maybe you’re capable of having an acceptable answer for every question that the interviewer shoots your way, but if every other candidate does too, you’ll be easily forgettable. To gain an advantage, you need to show the interviewer that you can ask the questions too.

Via Business Insider

When it comes to our brains, black is white and up is down. Any time we try to achieve a desired result, we end up doing the opposite. Such is the case with trying to be smart. We like to come off as intelligent, and so we often act like we know more than we do to achieve that effect. In reality, however, saying “I don’t know” can be a whole lot smarter.

Navigated from Lifehacker

In her book 301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions, Vicky Oliver says jobseekers need to treat interviews like a final exam, because it’s “rigorous” and “psychologically draining.”

“Make no mistake: in order to prevail, you are going to need to trounce your competition. You could be competing against someone with three times your experience, or conversely, against someone who can do the job at half your salary level,” Oliver says.

Navigated from Business Insider

Girls benefit significantly from interaction with very bright peers in secondary school, a new study shows, but the same can be detrimental for boys.

Navigated from Futurity

Brain size and smarts are, to some extent, genetic — and now, a team of more than 200 researchers has uncovered specific genes that are linked to both brain volume and IQ.

Via The Huffington Post

Researchers are tapping the cognitive smarts of babies, toddlers, and preschoolers to program computers to think more like humans. If replicated in machines, the computational models based on babies’ mental abilities could give a major boost to artificial intelligence, which historically has had difficulty handling nuances and uncertainty, researchers say.

Full story at Futurity

Everybody loves dolphins, but nobody appreciates just how badass they truly are.

Via Environmental Graffiti

A vacation can range anywhere from a dream to a nightmare. While some of that depends on circumstance, there’s plenty you can do to make your travel easier, more efficient, and more fun.

Via Lifehacker

Preeti Bhatia

Interesting Fact Of The Day

Lightning may contribute to the onset of headaches and migraines, a new study says.

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